Antipasto Platter

Antipasto Platter Recipe by Sam Hu from Ahead of Thyme.
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: N/A
Servings: 8-10 servings
- 1 cup marinated olives
- 1 cup marinated artichoke hearts
- 1 cup roasted red peppers
- 1 cup marinated mushrooms
- 1 cup marinated mozzarella balls
- 1 pound cheese (2-3 varieties including soft cheese and hard cheese, such as parmesan, gouda, provolone, or gorgonzola)
- 400 grams cured meats (such as salami, prosciutto, pepperoni)
- 2-3 assorted crackers and/or bread (such as sliced ciabatta, pita chips, and breadsticks).
- 1 cup vegetables (such as cherry tomatoes and cucumbers)
- optional: nuts, fruit, honey, olive tapenade, fresh herbs

- Arrange Bowls of Marinated Items: Place small bowls of marinated items (like olives or artichokes) on a large platter, spacing them apart for visual balance.
- Add the Cheese: Place cheese around the bowls, keeping space between each type.
- Arrange Cured Meats: Roll up slices of cured meats and place them around the cheese and bowls for a pleasing presentation.
- Add Crackers and Bread: Fill any remaining gaps with crackers and bread, spacing them out.
- Fill Gaps with Vegetables: Use fresh vegetables to fill any large empty spaces for a complete, inviting look.